How do I create a new user?

  1. Choose Setup in the navigation list.
  2. From the slide out menu select Users.
  3. Press the + New button.
  4. Input the new user's Last name, First Name and Middle Initial.
  5. Enter an email address for the user. The user can use the email address for logging into PayClock. An email address is required when setting up a new user.
  6. Input the User Name and Password that you wish to use.
  7. If you wish to allow the user to change their password, leave the User Can Change Password box checked.
  8. Select the Access Profile that you wish to assign to your user using the drop down menu.
  9. If you wish to allow the user to access PayClock Online via the mobile app, place a check next to the Allow Access To Mobile.
  10. If you wish to allow the user to access PayClock Online billing and subscription information, place a check next to Allow Access To Billing and Subscription Info.
  11. Go to the Employee Assignments tab.
  12. Place a check next to each location, department, or individual employees you wish for the new user to have access to.
  13. Once complete, select Save.


Wed 12/05/2018